- Employer Branding
Employer branding videos for
Director & Producer
The applicant market is highly competitive, the fight for the best talents is in full swing. The days when a company placed a job advert and candidates queued up in response are long gone. Professional recruiting software, such as softgarden, for which I was able to shoot the new image film in the summer, helps companies to increase the reach of a job advert and attract more applicants. But that is no longer enough.
People interested in a job nowadays find out a lot about a company before they even apply. Soft factors such as corporate culture, work-life balance and flexible working hours are becoming increasingly important for potential candidates’ decisions.
We live in a candidate market. It’s not about a candidate applying to us. We apply to candidates.
Youth Wilken, Head of Recruiting,
One of the first clients I was able to produce such a campaign for is the Hamburg-based loan comparison portal The company is in an extreme growth phase and is urgently looking for bankers and programmers, which is why it has completely redesigned its career page. We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the Head of Recruiting at Finanzcheck Youth Wilken for his great trust and support during the shoot.