
The new image film for – the recruitment simplifier has been completed and has been running on their website since this week.

Shooting image films is always a great adventure and often a long journey. The film for softgarden has had a particularly long journey – but every metre of it was worth it, because the originally planned short story finally became a big and really beautiful one.

Thanks to the great team around Managing Director Mathias Heese, especially Sandra Müller, Andreas Poell and Saphir Schiwietz, who gave me the opportunity to realise this beautiful project. A special thank you goes to wordsmith and Google Ad professional Aurel Gergey for his great feel for language, his always alert mind and the always open ear – he helped me a lot to polish and develop the script.

You can find out more about the project here

PS: Video is king! Customers stay longer on a website and engage more intensively with a product when they see well-made video content with exciting storytelling. This allows them to experience the product up close instead of just reading explanations about it.

And here is the making of the film: