The Photographs That Moved Them Most

The Photographs That Moved Them Most

The venerable “Time Magazine” began compiling a North Korea special last autumn. They wanted to give readers a glimpse behind the scenes of North Korea and were looking for photographers around the world who had the opportunity to lift the mysterious curtain that still surrounds North Korea today. During this search, the editors came across me and asked me to send them “the one photograph” from North Korea that meant the most to me, that moved me the most. I then sent them two and didn’t hear anything for a long time. In the meantime, however, the special has been published and now that the current wonderful sunshine policy is being practised over the Korean peninsula and the two Korean presidents are crossing the border together in the most beautiful harmony, no longer showering each other with threats but with kindnesses, you can enjoy the beautiful route in peace.

Here is the link to the project with more info.